Now that summer is in full swing I'm planning to take a few days to relax. Amongst catching up on sleep and taking life really slowly, I'm hoping to get in some reading as well. I'm somewhat of a reluctant reader, although I studied English Literature at university, but I must admit it helps me properly switch off better than anything else. Books help me escape, they inspire me and most importantly they get me out of my own head.
I thought I'd share a few books I'm hoping to delve into this summer, some re-reads and others new. You'll see there is a theme here. They are all non-fiction and all around the subject of slow living and simplicity. Hopefully this list will offer up some ideas if you're still searching for some summer reads yourself.
Simple Matters by Erin Boyle
This one is a re-read and a favourite of mine. Erin shares so much wonderful advice and inspiration regarding simplifying life, in the most achievable and straightforward way. Her voice is humorous and generous and if you love her lifestyle blog Reading my Tea Leaves, I'm quite sure you will love Simple Matters.
The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna
This is the book to read for anyone searching for their true calling and the inspiration to move away from what they 'should' be doing and towards what they want to be doing. The book is peppered with Elle's beautiful paintings. Stunning both in meaning and style.
Chasing Slow follows Erin's journey towards letting go of the hustle and accepting that we are exactly where we need to be. It is full of personal stories about her own search for slow living.
L'art de la Simplicite by Dominique Loreau
Inspired by Japanese culture and it's regard for simplicity and beauty, this book is a wonderful guide to simplifying every area of life, and perfect to book to dip in and out of.
I would absolutely love to hear your recommendations for books, non-fiction or fiction. Please share if you will.