I've spent a lot of time over the last few years thinking about how to simplify, what a simplified life would look like, and what simplicity really means to me. As part of my journey I've absorbed so much wisdom from others and how they live there lives. I want The Simple Stories to be place for sharing inspiration and ideas about simplicity, so may I present the first in a series of blog posts entitled: What Simplicity Means to Me. I'll be interviewing wonderful people who inspire me about just that question.
I am so thrilled that the first of these interview is with my incredible friend Lauren of Hunters and Heels. Lauren is a Mum of three, a blogger, Youtuber, Instagrammer and Content Editor at Bobbi Brown. Lauren shares stories of her family life in the country through stunning photography and video, as well as lots of expert advice on all things beauty. Her channels are a hub of inspiration and beauty, and a place that I always know I'll find positivity and joy.

What’s your favourite way to spend a slow day with no plans?
Oh that sounds like bliss! I’m the worst person for ALWAYS making plans. I say “yes” to almost everything and I hate missing out, which often makes me feel like I’m living life like a hamster wheel forgetting to ever just plan for some blank space. Now you’ve got me craving a “no-plans” day, where we can enjoy a slow family breakfast, go for a long leisurely dog walk, drink plenty of coffee and finish the day with candles, wine and a good book in the tub.

What simple moments will you always remember?
I’ll always remember the first time I met Halle, a tiny 8 week old puppy who climbed over her brothers and sisters and straight into my arms.
I remember the morning I woke up next to Colin and watched him sleep, and the taste of that first meal he cooked for me...it was fancy!
I’ll remember when I put a little 4 year old Archie to bed on my own, and he stroked my arm the whole time I read him a story.
Then there’s the time Ollie’s tiny newborn hand squeezed my finger so tightly and the night I couldn’t take my eyes off Rory long enough to fall asleep.
All those little things...they’re not little.

Any go to tip for feeling organised?
Write a list each night before bed. It really helps me sleep and to feel productive the next morning.
What simple meal is always a winner?
Mediterranean vegetables and chicken. Literally couldn’t be easier or less messy!
• One big baking tray
• Chopped up peppers, onions, tomatoes and anything else you like
• Chicken breasts
• Toss it all in green pesto, Olive oil and squeeze of lemon and bake for 30 ish mins
What’s your favourite way to unwind at the end of the day?
A warm candle lit bubble bath, fresh sheets and a good book or magazine...bliss!
What does simplicity mean to you?
It’s those little things, they’re everything.