
Self-care with Suzy Reading

I recently wrote about the major moment self-care is having in our culture and how a lot of it often seemed to miss the point of what caring for yourself actually looks like. Well I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to have a conversation with the queen of self-care, Suzy Reading, a couple of weeks ago. Suzy is a coach, psychologist, yoga teacher and author of three books about self-care. Suzy and I have actually met before, as we used to live in the same town, and I can happily say her kind and radiant energy is for...

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The one list that changed everything

Like many people I always seem to have notebook lying around; gifts, samples, freebies from events. I started to find that if I needed to make notes or a to do list, I would just grab the nearest notebook and get writing. The problem was that I often found I then didn’t know where I’d written a certain thought down and that worse, I was running multiple to do lists and that’s before you even count the notes I’d make on my phone. If I’m totally honest having a to-do list is not something I love. I’m more of a...

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What self-care looks like to me

Self-care is having a major moment right now. I feel like everywhere I turn I see it and it seems to be touted as the solution to a lot of the stress and overwhelm many people experience nowadays. I’m definitely on board with us taking care of ourselves however we can, but I’ve become increasingly interested in what we seem to think constitutes ‘self-care’. If you were to look at a typical list of self-care techniques it would probably look something like this: Sleep Meditation/Mindfulness Time in nature Long bath (or other similar relaxing activity) Yoga/Exercise Screen-free time Whilst these...

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Two simple tactics for an organised life

I have a theory… If your life feels disorganised or chaotic you likely have one of the following problems: You have too much (too much stuff, too many commitments) You don’t have systems Too Much If you are drowning in clutter it’s nearly impossible to feel organised. The same is true of over committing your time. My pet peeve in any planner is hourly time slots. If you fill every hour of your life you leave yourself no time to switch between tasks (which does take time by the way) and you certainly don’t leave yourself time to relax. If...

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