
Our nursery tour

Our nursery tour

This is the third time I’ve designed a nursery, so this time I definitely benefitted from the experience of the last two. We’d just finished renovating our house when we designed the nursery, so it was a very blank slate. In a way this was ideal but it meant we needed to bring in lots of elements to make sure it didn’t feel bland. It’s definitely not finished; there are further features I’m planning to add at some point and, of course, it will evolve over the years, but I thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse...

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Make your own Easter Bunny garland (free-printable)

Make your own Easter Bunny garland (free-printable)

Easter is my favourite holiday. I love the sunny weather, the optimism of Spring and all the food that comes with Easter. Whilst decorating for Christmas is a no-brainer, I think we often forget how many simple opportunities there are for decorating for Easter. For many years, my Mother has created an Easter tree with bare branches in a large vase and hung decorations from the branches. There are countless lovely Easter tree decorations, but you can also make some simple salt dough and use cookie cutters in the shape of bunny and eggs, then bake and decorate. We did...

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Our Favourite Children’s Books

Our Favourite Children’s Books

I don’t know about you but being able to snuggle up and read a book whether at bedtime or during the day has been a saving grace during this cold winter lockdown. Our children’s book shelf is stuffed with almost 6 years worth of books bought or gifted. Though I’m usually great at keeping our possessions minimal I find this almost impossible with children’s book and I expect will be bale to start my own library by the time my kids have grown up. Amongst the hoards of books there are a few very favourites that seem to stand the...

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My intentions for 2021

My intentions for 2021

If there was ever a New Year that all of us were ready for it was this one. In reality we all knew we wouldn’t wake up on January 1st and find the pandemic was over, but there is something about a new year that gives us an exaggerated sense of hope that things might change almost overnight. It made me think about how many year’s, to a lesser degree, I have imagined I would awake on the first day of a new year and find myself transformed in an instant. Maybe I would have a couple of days where...

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